Wait, My Youth Review

Of course, Wait My Youth is another Chinese drama I found while searching the depths of my Netflix account. I have found that I find 99% of my shows from Netflix. The other 1% is by randomly coming across them, usually when I go to look up a specific person’s IMDB. I have a tendency to get hooked on one person’s work.

Anyway, Wait My Youth is the story of a group of high school friends and their journey into adulthood. Su Cancan, our leading lady, is really good in language courses, but more enjoys writing lyrics. Of course, she also has a crush on Lin Jiaze, the popular boy in school. Then of course, there is Meili, Cancan’s best friend, and her cousin Tao Yating whom she has trouble getting along with. Finally, we have your typical bad boy type Li Tianye. He is always getting into fights and getting into trouble. However, he does EXTREMELY well in math. He also has truly enjoys playing music. The first half of Wait, My Youth follows the group through the ups and downs of their last year in high school. Then, their struggles and relationships throughout college. Finally, we even get a glimpse into the beginning of adulthood. Once the group finds their jobs, we get to see how everything else falls into place.

Wait, My Youth has a lot of ups and downs to it. I, personally found the beginning portion with the group being in high school rather boring. It was a struggle to get through, but once the group reaches college everything gets interesting. Even so, the group being in high school is crucial to the story. This is where all the character development comes in. The setting where the feelings are developed, and the bonds between the group of friends in formed. However, once the group reaches college and begins to grow further, that is when everything gets interesting. Relationships are formed. Friendships are born. This is also the setting of ever changing emotions. I absolutely love the way everything unfolds. I think that I like it so much because I can relate some of the themes to my youth.

There is a line that is used later in the show that I can’t help but to reflect on. “A woman should choose the man that loves her more because then she will be happier.” Now, I am not sure if that is the exact phrasing, but it is along those lines. Every time that it is said, I can’t help but to think about the message behind those words. Which when I reflect in terms of the show, Cancan really did follow the advice. In terms of her love triangle, Tianye or Jiaze, she made the right decision. She chose the man that would move mountains for her. While there are many misunderstandings throughout the show, I truly believe she chose right. In the hundreds of dramas I have watched, I am rarely right.

Overall, Wait My Youth is pretty decent. It is a light hearted romance drama about a group of friends and their journey into adulthood. I know there are a lot of stories like this one, but Wait, My Youth just has a little extra something that I can’t quite place my finger on. I don’t know if it is the chemistry between the leads, or if it is just the characters. While at times, the story lacks in depth, I feel like it is still worth the watch if you like the journey into adulthood dramas.

5 thoughts on “Wait, My Youth Review

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  1. I read your review and honestly couldn’t tell if I had seen the show. Then I realized lol that the c-drama When We Were Young plot is almost identical, at least in the beginning, which was all high school. I didn’t finish it because they started getting deep into the love triangle and I felt sad for the loser and I couldn’t understand for the life of me how the lead was so sought after because of her masculinish features and awful bob. NOw that I know this show is different, I will give it a try in the future.


    1. It might be the same thing. Netflix title is wait, my youth. The main girl becomes a journalist and the love interest works at a record company after being abroad in the US for 2 years or something like that. It’s been a minute since I watched it. The only problem is there isnt really a defining moment for the series.

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