Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Review/First Impression

I have been debating on when to review Breath of the Wild for a while now. I wanted to be able to experience a lot of the game and story before I even tried to tackle this massive feat. I also didn’t know whether to classify this as a review or an overly complicated first impression. I guess the first thing I must mention is that I have not beat the game yet, nor have I finished the story line.

The first thing you have to know about me when I play games is that I am a completionist. With that being said, I knew going into Breath of the Wild that I would not be able to 100% beat the game. There are so many things that this game has to offer, and I knew I didn’t have the time nor the resources to put that kind of dedication into the game. However, I have still been doing my best to complete a lot of the main quests and stories. I still plan on finding and completing all the shrines, as well as recovering all the lost memories.

From the information I have gathered thus far, Breath of the Wild takes place after a previous war with Ganon. In this war, the 5 Champions of Hyrule were trying as a collective to seal Ganon away forever. With the help of the Guardians and Divine Beasts, Hyrule thought they had turned the tables in their favor. They couldn’t have been more wrong. After a crushing defeat, all but one Champion perished. Link. Zelda had managed to get Link and the Master Sword to the Shrine of Resurrection where Link would lie asleep for the next 100 years. Breath of the Wild begins once Link is reawakened.

There are so many things that I can say about Breath of the Wild because of the depth of the game itself. Now, I will be perfectly honest, it has been a few months since I have even sat down to play. Even so, I don’t even know where to start. There are just so many things. So, I guess I should probably just jump into the game and quit blabbering on about anything and everything so….. LET”S GET STARTED!!!

First off, I guess the only proper place to start would be with the graphics. Oh my god, is this game beautiful. I would expect nothing less from a Legend of Zelda game. The details of this game are out of this world. The best example that I can come up with of the top of my head is when running through the Lost Woods, and you have navigate through the woods by following the direction of the wind. I don’t know how long I was stuck simply because I didn’t think to even pay close enough attention to determine the wind’s direction. It truly is the little details in Breath of the Wild that make me respect it as much as I do.

There are so many different things that Breath of the Wild offers. Apart from the main quest line of defeating Ganon, you get to run around and visit up to 120 different shrines. Each shrine offers a different puzzle. Of course, there are repeats of the puzzles and challenges, but each one offers its own spin. I never felt as if I was repeating the same thing time and time again. You also get the chance to collect Korok seeds, by doing different things. Sometimes you have to chase down a flower or sparkles. Sometimes, you get to shoot balloons. From my understanding, there are about 900 of them.

Overall, this is one of the best Legend of Zelda games in my opinion. Now, I say this because as an adult I appreciate the darker undertones of the story. It is something that is not often done in Nintendo games in general. While children can still play the game and enjoy it, they may not notice the darker aspects of the game itself. Much like Majora’s Mask, as a kid, I didn’t catch onto all the darkness that surrounds that game. Now, I know much more, and appreciate the story that much more. Breath of the Wild is just like that.

After suffering a crushing defeat, the Hyrule forces must find a way to defeat Ganon after Hyrule has been turned into a wasteland. The loss of allies and even Princess Zelda. Moral of the story, Breath of the Wild delves deeper into character development than any other Legend of Zelda game thus far. You get a peek into the relationship between Zelda and Link, as well as the other champions.

The creators took Legend of Zelda and gave it a life I never thought imaginable. This is one of the best games in the series (in my opinion, of course) just because it has a very deep story and the game play is amazing in every aspect. I can sit and play for hours, or I can do a few side quests and call it a night. I know that I can’t wait to see what is in store for Breath of the Wild 2.

I could go on for days about this game, but I will leave it here for now. Maybe once I finish the story line, I will revisit Breath of the Wild.

What are you opinions on Breath of the Wild? What is your favorite Legend of Zelda game?

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